Sladak i ukusan čas iz ekonomije

Nešto slatko stiglo je iz International Schoola. Kada biste čuli da neko govori o zakonu opadanja granične korisnosti, da li biste pomislili na nešto ukusno? Ne, je l’ tako? Ali ako to isto pitamo učenike iz Year 13, ne bi se složili. U sredu, 23. septembra, nastavnica ekonomije Marija Milić zajedno je sa učenicima iz…

Golferi International Schoola ostvarili sjajne uspehe!

Ovog vikenda na Adi Ciganliji održano je Nacionalno amatersko prvenstvo Srbije u golfu i International School ima zbog čega da bude ponosna. Učenici Year 12 i Year 10 učestvovali su u ovom takmičenju i „oduvali” konkurenciju. Sjajni rezultati Učenica Year 12 Lara Todorović očigledno vlada golf terenima – u konkurenciji devojaka, treću godinu zaredom, ova…

Stvarno drugačiji i uzbudljiv prvi dan škole

Još jedna školska godina je počela, zaista drugačija u svakom smislu. International School je 1. septembra organizovala prijem učenika i poželela im dobrodošlicu nakon višemesečnog neviđanja. Neke od učenika nastavnici su tek upoznali i to je, bez sumnje, bilo uzbudljivo iskustvo za obe strane.  Opremljeni maskama za lice i sredstvima za dezinfekciju ruku, učenici Year…

#LjubavZaMentore u International Schoolu

Izgleda da u International Schoolu niko ne prima toliku količinu ljubavi kao mentori. Naši mentori su uvek spremni da pruže ljubav i istinski brinu o učenicima, koji im veruju i koji od njih traže smernice. Najzad, mentori ne mogu da znaju koliko će njihovi postupci i reakcije uticati na život i mentalno blagostanje njihovih učenika. …

Sjajne vesti: Jana Marinović primljena na Univerzitet u Torontu

International School se trudi da vam ovih dana donosi samo lepe vesti. Jedna od najboljih učenica International Schoola, Jana Marinović, primljena je na Univerzitet u Torontu, prestižni istraživački univerzitet vođen izumom i inovacijama. Transformativno obrazovanje Janina postignuća istakla su je u moru uspešnih mladih ljudi koji su takođe aplicirali i primljena je na Odeljenje za…

Cambridge Resource Plus: iskoristite otvoren besplatan set predavanja za učenike Cambridge škola

Epidemija virusa COVID-19 i uvođenje vanrednog stanja u našoj zemlji postavili su pred profesore zahtevan izazov – kako da onlajn-nastavu učine zanimljivom i interaktivnom? Na sreću, International School ima odgovor na to pitanje. Distance Learning System učenicima omogućava da nastavu prate iz udobnosti svog doma, a kako je International School akreditovana od strane Kembridž univerziteta,…

Onlajn-učenje nikad nije bilo lakše u International Schoolu

Iako nisu fizički prisutni u školi, učenici International Schoola nisu prestali sa obogaćivanjem sopstvenog obrazovanja. Imajući u vidu nastavnike koji daju sve od sebe da olakšaju proces učenja i tehnološke alate koje škola nudi, učenici razumeju koliko je zapravo bitno njihovo aktivno učešće u celom procesu. Sjajni alati za onlajn učenje Svi učenici imaju pristup…

Učenici International Schoola pobedili na onlajn-takmičenju „Owlypia”

Nakon neverovatnog uspeha koji su postigle Elena Ćuća i Una Ivanović, pobednice prvog kruga uzbudljivog internacionalnog onlajn-takmičenja „Owlypia”, ponovo imamo lepe vesti. Drugi krug onlajn-takmičenja „Owlypia” održan je u subotu, 14. marta, i deset naših učenika pokazalo je zavidno znanje. Nagrađeni su zlatnim, srebrnim i bronzanim medaljama. Medalje se dodeljuju na osnovu osvojenog procenta znanja:…

Nedelja Globalnih perspektiva obeležena u International Schoolu

Učenici International School-a prošle nedelje imali su priliku da saznaju više o jedinstvenom programu Globalnih perspektiva. Škola je učestvovala u projektu pod nazivom „Nedelja Globalnih perspektiva”, što će učenicima pomoći u izgradnji životnih veština dok u isto vreme uče o globalnim problemima. Nedelja Globalnih perspektiva trajala je od 1. do 7. marta 2020. godine. O…

Prezentacija Ekonomskog fakulteta u International School

Još jednom su učenici International School-a prisustvovali zanimljivoj i korisnoj prezentaciji, koju su u ponedeljak, 9. marta, održali predstavnici Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Ono što je bilo posebno interesantno jesu programi na engleskom jeziku – Ekonomija i finansije i Poslovanje i menadžment – kreirani u saradnji sa Londonskom školom ekonomije. Velika mogućnost izbora Broj…

Učenici International Schoola posetili FEST

U sredu, 4. marta, učenici International School-a, zajedno sa svojim nastavnicima iz psihologije, posetili su popularni filmski festival – FEST. Gledali su istorijsku dramu „A hidden life”. Istinita priča o ljubavi, veri i ratu Najnoviji film priznatog režisera Terensa Malika „A hidden life” zasnovan je na pismima austrijskog farmera, koji je, pozvan da služi u…

Amazing Valentine’s Day party

On Thursday, 13 February, the International School threw a Valentine’s Day party to remember. The loVers and the loSers gathered at the Soul Society Club to celebrate love. A heart on the cheek was the ticket for the coolest party ever. Everybody contributed to the good vibes, which made this party unforgettable. The loVers and…

Savremena’s student presented BIMUN

International School Savremena’s Year 12 student, Uroš Jež, gave a presentation and introduced BIMUN to his classmates. As a distinguished and experienced delegate, Uroš welcomed his friends wearing a suit and tie. Uroš as a diplomat-to-be When we say experienced delegate, we really mean it. Uroš participated in model UN organised in Romania, Vienna and…

Marketing experts shaping our perception – interdisciplinary lesson

Another interesting interdisciplinary lesson at International School Savremena. This time, Art & Design teacher, Anja Jovović, together with Željko Ljiljak-Vukajlović, Psychology teacher, joined forces to make students use non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication During the lesson, the students were given a short description of a product that they then visualised and presented to the rest of…

The phenomenon of Apple Inc.

On Monday, 13 January, International School Savremena’s Economics and Business students had an opportunity to attend a groundbreaking lecture given by Dr Miloš Petković. The lecturer tried to implement some of the most efficient strategic tools to explain the phenomenon of Apple Inc. From a garage office to a global corporation We were all wondering…

School Science Fair at Savremena

The School Science Fair, which was held at International School Savremena, enabled Savremena’s students to enjoy their scientific adventure while discovering scientific phenomena. This year’s topic was Red, Hot, Computers and Psychologists – RHCP 2019 and the students discovered hot topics in chemistry, physics, biology, psychology, computer science, sociology and economics. They carried out experiments…

Exploring French cuisine

Year 10 students who attend French lessons at International School Savremena enjoyed a lesson devoted to French cuisine with their teacher Marija Panić. It was quite a unique lesson since they didn’t just talk about French food – they tasted it as well. Delicious cheese and sweet macarons The students tasted the French Roquefort and…

Savremena’s students won Owlypia

International School Savremena provided its students with an opportunity to express their knowledge and compete with their peers from around the world. Year 12 students Elena Ćuća and Una Ivanović took part in the Owlypia online competition and accomplished amazing results. Elena won FIRST place in the Science and Technology subject area while Una was…

A unique practical lesson at Savremena

Savremena’s Physics teacher, Ms Ana Vlašić, made sure that Year 11 students never forget the practical lesson that was held on Tuesday, 19 November. With the help of their teacher they created their own electric circuits. Ohm’s law Ohm’s law states that the potential difference across a resistor is equal to the product of its…

Armistice Day at Savremena

On Tuesday, 12 November, Savremena’s Year 12 student, Uroš Jež, gave a presentation on Armistice Day, commemorated in Serbia on 11 November. The presentation was well-attended, as all the students were interested to see and hear what Uroš had to say. The meaning behind Armistice Day On this day, Serbia celebrates Armistice Day, in memory…

Physics empirical investigation

This week, Savremena’s Year 10 students conducted an empirical investigation in their physics lesson! They learnt about the behaviour of elastic springs. Hooke’s law describes how the spring will extend based on the force that acts on it and its so-called spring constant. The students were tasked with finding the spring constant of various springs…

Spooky Halloween Workshops

Since the scariest night of the year is always the students’ favourite, International School Savremena put the creativity mode on and organised the Pumpkin Carving Workshop and the Headdress Making Workshop. Both workshops took place in the school restaurant due to the number of interested students. Pumpkin Carving Workshop The tradition of carving faces into…

#AIEGeneva 2019: Savremena’s principal spoke at the World Conference on International Education

In the ever-changing world, understanding innovation in education is important for 21st-century educators. The principal of International School Savremena, Dr Svetlana Belić Malinić, proved once again that Savremena’s teaching methods and ethos can fully respond to the modern educational paradigms and presented Savremena’s best practices at the World Conference on International Education, held this October…

International Educational Fair held for Savremena’s students

International School Savremena and the Institute for Contemporary Education hosted the International Educational Fair on Friday, 11 October. The fair was organised for Savremena students only, in the large conference hall at Belgrade Palace. About event organisers The organiser of the International Educational Fair was the Student Recruitment Tours (SRT) agency which organises educational fairs…

Interdisciplinary cinema visit

On 10 October, International School Savremena’s students had a slightly different interdisciplinary lesson. Year 13 students enjoyed a movie night at Cineplexx Ušće Shopping Centre, where they went to see the Joker film accompanied by their Psychology and Sociology teachers so as to approach their discussion from two different perspectives. Film as a teaching tool…