Savremena’s students bring gifts and joy to children at Drop-in centres during cold winter days

On Thursday, 26 January, Savremena’s students surprised the children from the two Drop-in centres in Belgrade and brought them gifts they had previously collected at their school during the humanitarian campaign A small gift for a great joy. Personal hygiene products, warm winter clothes and footwear made the little ones happier during the cold winter…


A truly different ending to 2016

The last school day of the previous year was truly different for Savremena’s students. Together with their teachers, they participated in some unusual activities to mark the ending of 2016 and welcomed the eagerly awaited holidays. The day began with a conversation between the students and their class teachers. They summed up their views of…


‘’All We Need Is Love’’ performed at “Pavle Savić” Primary School

On Wednesday, 16 November, Savremena’s students performed their play ‘’All We Need Is Love’’ for their friends, the students of “Pavle Savić” Primary School in Belgrade. The show, which Savremena’s students brought to perfection through rehearsals and performances, received an excellent reaction from the audience. The talented students, members of the performing arts club and…


Another sporting achievement for Savremena’s students!

Savremena International School’s women’s volleyball team comprising Tamara Polić, Natalija Bulatović, Lea Denić, Anđela Adžić, Miona Tofilovski, Ana Jeremić, Ana Vujović, Ivana Todorović, Natalija Stanković and Tijana Vučetić, won the third place in the municipal competition on Friday, 4 November! A battle full of suspense Regardless of the strong competition from the Third Belgrade Gymnasium…


Savremena’s celebration of its School Day and its patron saint

On Sunday, 9 October, on the day of Saint John the Theologian, Savremena International School celebrated its School Day. At the school restaurant, Savremena received the priest’s blessing, followed by the bread-cutting ceremony. Jovan Popović, Savremena’s Year 11 student and this year’s host, cordially welcomed the guests, who included the teachers and the students who…


Healthy eating for better learning

Mental food, the researchers find, has a lot to do with real food. The strength of the evidence collected by the experts in children’s nutrition is quite convincing: beyond doubt, healthy eating positively affects not only the students’ academic success, but also their attitude towards learning, and their behaviour in general. Eating well brings about…


New Savremena school year begins

After the summer spent unwinding and having fun, Savremena International School’s students are eagerly anticipating the beginning of a new school year at Savremena. The countdown to the launch of another Savremena school year is ending; the welcome reception for the students is scheduled for Thursday, 1 September, as follows: the first year of National…


Responsibility and assertive communication

The word assertive comes from English and it cannot be translated to Serbian as one word, because assertive means: self-confident, confident, determined. The closest translation would be samopouzdanost and the willingness to stand up for oneself. Assertiveness refers to the devotion to one’s rights in a way that respects others, their standpoint and their feelings.…


Working in groups

The competencies that students need today in order to successfully enter the world of further education and employment include much more than simply learning loads of facts. The education we receive at school is supposed to serve as a foundation for lifelong learning, which can only be achieved if students are actively included in the…


How to evaluate my work?

When thinking about teaching, the question that arises is how aware we are as to what we are actually doing in class and what kind of effect it has on the students? If we assume that we conveyed to the students exactly what we had planned, we approach our work in a non-critical manner. If…


Decision-making skills

What profession should I choose? What university should I choose? A decision can be defined as a selection of an option from a set of possible options. When making decisions, we can either use logic or rely on intuition. When making important or complex decisions, we apply logic to analyse the current options and assess…


Overcoming procrastination

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where every other activity seems more interesting than usual, just when you need to prepare for an important school task scheduled for tomorrow? If the answer is yes, you’re experiencing the same organisational problems as most students. And not just students – research has shown that as…


Efficient Time Management

Do you think you’ve got too many obligations and too little time? In a world where competition is becoming more and more important, it is necessary to constantly work on improving your productivity. The business environment requires more work and reduced costs, which means a greater load, longer working hours and increased pressure for employees. The…


A visit to the Asylum Protection Centre

Savremena International School recently organsied an interdisciplinary day during which students were able to gain valuable insight into the refugee crisis through a number of discussions and workshops. While each subject looked at the topic from a different angle, in their Serbian language lesson students wrote letters of support and encouragement to the refugees passing…


A truly different end-of-year

Savremena International School students marked the end of the school year in a truly different way, instead of spending it at school they ventured out into the “classroom without walls”. To train their mind and body, just before the beginning of their summer holiday, our students embarked on an exciting trip to Avala, upon which…


New achievements of Savremena’s students at national competitions

Savremena International School students achieved excellent results at national competitions. Tara Papić excelled at the national competition in the Serbian and English language and Aleksandar Zaplatić attained a highly impressive score at the geography competition. Aleksandar Zaplatić’s courageous performance at the Geography Olympiad At the end of May, with his geography teacher Aleksandar Zaplatić visited…
