The youngest students join Savremena Gimnazija through the M-E-S programme

After a great number of students successfully enrolled, on Saturday, the 5th of September, Savremena International School welcomed its youngest students into the M-E-S programme. Students aged 12-15, from various parts of Serbia (Belgrade, Čačak, Kragujevac…) wanted to acquire the Savremena flavour of knowledge at this Cambridge programme and prepare for further education at Savremena…


Savremena International School is now a Cambridge Global Perspectives School

Apart from providing an unmatched learning experience, Savremena International School is also among the few Cambridge Global Perspectives schools in the region. What this means is that our students have the opportunity to take Global Perspectives, a unique and interdisciplinary Cambridge subject and receive an innovative, interdisciplinary, creative and unique kind of education. Students are…


Bloom’s taxonomy

Bloom’s taxonomy refers to a classification of the different objectives that educators set for students (learning objectives). It divides educational objectives into three “domains”: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor (sometimes loosely described as “knowing/head”, “feeling/heart” and “doing/hands” respectively). Within the domains, learning at the higher levels is dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and skills at…


Omiljene aplikacije i igrice za lakše i zanimljivije učenje

Uz popularne aplikacije, učenje na tabletima postaje lakše i interesantnije, učenici su maštovitiji, aktivniji na času, motivisani su da istražuju i uče, brže napreduju i postaju uspešniji. Zahvaljujući Google Drive-u i Kingsoft Office aplikaciji, postoje elektronske sveske za svakog učenika pa umesto u džepu ili rancu, online svesku deca nose na mobilnom telefonu, tabletu ili…
