School stories

Primary and secondary school students who registered on time, attend the unique Summer School programme provided by Savremena International School at 45 Šumatovačka Street in the Vračar municipality, whereby they attend classes twice a day until the 10th of July.


This year, the summer school workshops are free while in the future, the attendance fee will be 300 euros for Savremena’s summer school. However, the knowledge, skills and friendships students acquire are priceless. After just a week of fun and interesting activities, students boast both practical and specialised knowledge that their teachers skilfully imparted.

letnjaskolaSG21Learning about IT, design, the most interesting aspects of maths and English in interactive classrooms with the aid of modern technology is not just some futuristic fantasy, it is Savremena’s summer school. What better way for students to kick off their summer holiday than by making new friends and participating in an array of fun learning activities?

Students aged 13 – 18 attend the three-week programme and acquire specialised knowledge within three uniquely designed subjects: OKenglish, OKmathematics and OKcomputing.

What makes learning A-OK?

letnjaskolaSG31Through its modern and unparalleled teaching approach, our school proves learning doesn’t always have to be a dull and dry process. In fact, at Savremena’s summer school it’s the exact opposite – learning is A-OK because our teachers aren’t strict, their materials are interesting and everything is explained through games, gripping examples and practical insight.

Lessons are conducted with the help of the Google Classroom Technology, whereby students are able to learn about programming, design, maths and English in a modern way through the use of tablets, laptops and “smart” whiteboards as well as various apps, games and blogs.

Our students have said that they especially enjoy the interactive lessons and the opportunity to present their thoughts and ideas, to work in teams with their friends as well as the fact that they are free to laugh and play while being at school.

The best choice for secondary education

letnjaskolaSG41Our students are thrilled with the fact that such a modern teaching approach exists in our country. Our modern approach encourages creative learning, ensures a dedicated teacher for each student, and includes interactive whiteboards and tablets which have replaced conventional notebooks and chalk boards.

Savremena International School offers a unique and high-quality learning environment which follows the Cambridge programme and thus prepares students in the best possible way for higher education in Serbia and abroad. Our Cambridge school encourages critical thinking, insightful and multidisciplinary learning and the acquisition of a skill set that guarantees a successful future.

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Given that there was a large number of students interested in the summer school programme, we have decided to organise a new round of classes. Next week, a new group of youngsters will take part in our workshops and learn about design, maths and English in a fun and interactive way.

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