Savremena International School presented with additional accreditation

Savremena International School was evaluated against global education standards and formally accredited by Cambridge International Examinations. Now, in addition to being a Cambridge International School, Savremena has now also become a Cambridge Primary School. Cambridge education and certification for primary school students Savremena International School is now authorised to teach primary school students within the Cambridge…

A truly modern Latin competition

At a time when English, German and French are taught as compulsory subjects, it is rare to find a student who enjoys studying Latin. Aiming to prove that Latin is neither a dead language nor a boring one, as it is often described by teenagers, Savremena’s students organised a truly modern Latin competition on Monday…

Simulating a job interview at an interactive business studies lesson

In order to find out what processes are necessary for a company to function, Savremena’s students visit famous businesses during their business studies classes, simulate real-life business scenarios and actively participate in the creative lessons. This time, Savremena’s students learned about the recruitment process by simulating a job interview. Employee recruitment For this task, students were divided…

Savremena International School to have a representative at the national geography competition

On Sunday, the 19th of March, Savremena International School student Aleksandar Zaplatić achieved a huge success at the regional geography competition. Faced with fierce competition which included 180 participants from all over the country, Aleksandar attained 64 points and qualified for the national competition, which will take place in May. Success through hard work and…

Lecture by Kingdom Education at Savremena International School

To introduce and provide a detailed perspective into the foreign education system, representatives of the Kingdom Education organisation delivered a lecture in English to all students of the Combined and the Cambridge programme on Wednesday, 16 March. Important guidelines for the students Savremena’s guest was Mr Peter Chapple whose lecture Introduction to Critical Thinking provided…

A blend of knowledge and creativity at an interdisciplinary art and geography class

The interdisciplinary class entitled “Clouds and Creations” fused the ideas of geography teacher Ivan Matejić and art teacher Ana Manojlović, thus allowing Savremena’s students to express both their knowledge and creativity through a unique blend of geography and art. Even though the lesson focused on cloud and fog formation which may remind some of gloomy…

Savremena’s students experiment with solutions during a practical chemistry class

Instead of learning about solutions and solvents through a presentation, Savremena’s students rolled up their sleeves, put on their lab gear and protective gloves and learned about a new kind of substance – solvents. „Chemical coktail masters” mix a colourful display of solutions In the introductory part of the class, students familiarised themselves with the…

Savremena International School at the top regional conference New Technologies in Education

Savremena International School, as a part of LINK group, participated at the biggest regional conference and fair on “New Technologies in Education”, held on 26 and 27 Februrary at the Belexpocentar. The topic of this year’s fair was the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in education; Savremena International School presented the latest technology…

Interesting chemistry experiment for easy understanding of stoichiometry

Numerous chemical formulas and symbols become easy to remember and usable in everyday environment when the essence of their meaning and purpose is understood through practical, interactive teaching. Therefore, for the purpose of understanding of the concept of substance in chemistry, Savremena International School’s students learned about the unit for quantity in an interesting chemistry…

Savremena’s students host the Eco-quiz

Savremena International School hosted the Eco-quiz held on Wednesday, 24 February. Five best-ranked eco-school teams from all across Serbia competed, and Savremena’s students welcomed the participants at their school. The Eco-quiz is one of the activities that combine education and entertainment to promote environmental values; the organisers of this year’s competition also included the Environmental…

Savremena’s students promote tolerance

Savremena’s students actively work on improving the community and society they live in. Through a number of initiatives and competitions, students promote and spread positive values. The How to be cool online? competition is a great way for Savremena’s students to take part in a campaign against cyber bullying by sending a creative message to…

Savremena’s students performed the Forgive me, Catherine play for their guests from primary schools

On Thursday the 28th of January, to their great pleasure Savremena’s students reprised the Forgive me, Catherine play for their friends, peers from Belgrade primary schools, their parents, teachers and of course all of those interested who missed the premiere of the play during the New Year’s performance. Savremena’s students enchanted us in December with…

Audition for SGTubers

Become Savremena International School’s Tuber! On Friday, 15 January at 2:30 p.m. at Savremena International School’s Learning Centre, there will be an audition for SGTubers who will devise and shoot a show about their life at Savremena International School, backed by LINKeduTV. All Savremena International School’s students can apply. Every day with your friends is…

New Year’s Magic

Christmas and New Year holidays are time reserved for creative activities that boost the spirit of fellowship. This was the exact atmosphere which ruled in Savremena International School on Wednesday, 9th of December, after the seventh period when students and teachers, headed by our Arts teacher, Miss Ana Manojlović, made decorations to decorate the Christmas…

A contemporary visit to a museum

During the previous week, students of Savremena International School had a chance to acquaint themselves with the life and work of one of the greatest world’s inventors and scientists of Serbian ancestry, a man who was argued to have “illuminated the planet”. As you can guess, we are talking about the visit to Nikola Tesla’s…

We congratulate our students on the significant results in swimming

Savremena International School swimming team, led by their PE teacher, Stefan Radojičić, had a debut on Wednesday, 9 December, at the city high school swimming competition. The sports center “11 April “had the opportunity to host the students of Belgrade high schools. Savremena International School swimming team consisted of the following students: Tara Ćulibrk, Aleksa Popović,…

Success of the Students of Savremena International School at the Rhetoric Competition

The students of Savremena International School, Anđela Despotović, Mina Kovačević, Una Grzunov and Viktor Anđelković represented their school at a rhetoric competition. All of them delivered the orations they wrote themselves, leaving a strong impression on the audience and achieving a noteworthy success. ‘An imagined word is a thought! A spoken word is a speech!…

Interesting holograms in physics lessons

Students of Savremena International School conducted interesting experiments with holograms within their physics lessons and thus began celebrating the Science Festival within the school premises. Our physics teacher, Tijana Marinković, designed a truly different lesson where students use light effects in order to holograms with the logo of their school. This seemingly difficult task rapidly…

A lecture in Savremena International School on the occasion of the World Aids Day

Recently, the Savremena International School celebrated the International Day of Tolerance. On that occasion both the school’s learning support consultant and the psychologist organised a workshop which aimed at raising awareness of our students towards some groups or ethnic minorities. The result of the aforesaid workshop demonstrated a high level of intolerance of Savremena’s students…

It’s time for theatre!

The students of Savremena at the play ‘Anna Karenina’ On Saturday, 28th of November the students of Savremena International School had the opportunity to see the play ‘Anna Karenina’, which has been included in the repertoire of the opera house and theatre ‘Madlenianum’ as of last year. Why is this play so current? This dearly…