School storiesSuccess

International School celebrated the graduation night of its eight generation in an unforgettable event at the prestigious Hyatt Regency Belgrade, which was elegantly decorated for this special occasion.

A Night to Remember

The evening began with the arrival of the graduates in glamorous gowns and formal suits. Their smiles, joy, and pride were evident as parents and friends saw them off for this special night.

Throughout the evening, the graduates enjoyed carefully selected music, delicious catering, and lively dance rhythms. With songs and dances, they shared unforgettable moments, celebrating the end of their high school education.

Graduation night was celebrated together with graduates from Savremena Gymnasium and ITHS. The entire generation blended wonderfully, forming new friendships and creating many memorable moments.


The End of Schooling at International School and a New Beginning

After a demanding but highly successful school year, graduation night beautifully capped off four years of education at International School. With smiles on their faces and hope in their hearts, the graduates embarked on new life challenges. International School is proud of the achievements of its graduates and confident that a bright future filled with success awaits them all.

Congratulations to all graduates, and we wish them much luck and success in their future endeavors!