Jana Marinović, a young Serbian golfer and student of Savremena’s Cambridge International Programme, achieved great success and finished third at the Junior Honda Classic, one of the most prestigious golf tournaments in the world.
We would like to congratulate Jana and hopefully see her participate in many more world-renowned competitions in 2017, where she will win many medals and achieve even greater success. Judging by her fantastic start in Florida at the very beginning of the year, we’re sure she will continue along the same path in the coming months.
A promising start of the year
Jana, a member of the Junior National Team and the “Sava” golf club, did great in a strong competition comprising 12 girls aged 14 and 15, eventually coming third with a single point behind the winner.
The success in the tournament held at the “Fazio” PGA National Golf Club in Florida, promises numerous achievements that lie in store for the talented golfer.
Support and understanding from the school
At Savremena, we wholeheartedly support young athletes, which is why, apart from celebrating their success, the teachers and employees strive to provide the students with support and understanding so their results would improve on a daily basis.
As Jana has shown us, dedication and commitment always come with a reward.