Visits to cultural events are a key aspect of the school life of Savremena’s students and they are also a unique opportunity for students to learn and experience new things. As true theatre lovers, Savremena’s students were happy to visit the Zvezdara Theatre and watch the Mr Nušić’s Birthday play.
This interesting drama with elements of comedy was created two years ago and it marks the 150th anniversary of the literary giant’s birth. Apart from thrilled audiences, the play has won numerous awards, which include the Golden Turkey for the best acting performance in a play and for the best costumes in a play, warded at the Days of Comedy Festival.
A play that thrilled audiences
The play itself is set in Belgrade, on the 6th of November 1924 which just so happens to be the 60th birthday of Mr Nušić. It is by no means an ordinary day but the birthday of a great writer. The biodrama is a musical and dramatic homage to the life and work of Serbia’s most important comediographer.
With lightheartedness, humour and a creative set the play accentuates important facts about Nušić’s private and public life. The writer’s complex personality as well as the wild times he lived in are illustrated through the dialogues of the characters.
Beautiful and useful
By watching the play students were able to find out many important things about Nušić’s life and make a connection between his time and theirs. Visits to cultural events enable students to expand their knowledge and appreciation for the arts including, as was the case on this occasion, drama.