School stories

Last week, Savremena International School celebrated Halloween in such a way that all lessons were dedicated to discovering new details regarding this holiday. Among the typical ways of celebrating Halloween, our students also had a chance to discover historical and geographical concepts of this holiday and perceive it from various different angles in order to complete their image of what Halloween really is.

Scary arts

With regards to that, during art lessons, they made ghosts and vampires out of balloons, carved pumpkins, and tried out different skills of modelling, drawing, sculpting and coloring different objects and surfaces.

When the lesson was finished, before them there was a true world of witches and vampires that complemented the image of Halloween and presented this holiday in an entertaining and creative way.

Slika_2Scary geography

However, this theme didn’t pertain only to art lessons, since other Savremena’s teachers also tried to make their lessons even more interesting and complete.

For example, during geography lessons, our students learnt something about Celtic people and historical and geographical aspects of Halloween, whose customs actually originate from these tribes.

The teacher’s story about the beginnings of Halloween as a holiday of marking the onset of dark times and winter was accompanied by a truly dark atmosphere.

On the table, there was a pumpkin which had carved continents on it and on the inside of it there was a candle that painted the outlines of the continents across the classroom’s walls.

Slika-15Scary Latin

During Latin lessons, our students casted spells and charms in Latin, inspired by the famous series about Harry Potter.

Besides wands and candles, students also had lists of words that they were supposed to combine into well-known charms and successfully win the duel with demons, zombies, werewolves, and other monsters.

Scary English

Slika-17As another example of interesting, creative, and truly different lessons, English lessons are also worth mentioning.

During these lessons, students listened to well-known sounds from vampire films and written down their impressions and emotions in that moment.

Afterwards, they combined these notes into poems and stories with the theme of Halloween.

Scary Serbian

Apart from designing their masks for Halloween party and impersonating witches and zombies, our students will also ponder upon elements that make some story scary, since their homework assignment included writing a story that resembled gothic novels. Some students were also assigned a task to investigate how an originally Serbian word “vampire” became an international term for a dead man walking.

Equipped in this way, and armed with knowledge and information, they can relax and enjoy the party we have prepared for them.

We are confident that knowledge shaped in this way, and inspired by the upcoming holiday, stays in memory longer and gives a deeper understanding of the celebration.

More photos in our gallery.


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